tag search doesn't display the right number of links
Matt M.
When i use the tag search, for example i search #manning, it's all bookmarks with "manning" tag.
The tooltip (picture one) display the eleven number.
When i was executed the search, there are three bookmarks displayed.
Is it a bug please ?
Regards, Matt.
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Tag counts incorrect and some bookmarks not showing when clicking on tag
Caleb S.
I have some tags that show a count that is less than the actual number of bookmarks using that tag, also some tags that show a count higher than the number of bookmarks using it. I also have a tag that just refuses to work and when I click on it under "Tags" in the sidebar it says "Nothing found" despite there being multiple bookmarks with that tag.
Jim White
I have the same experience with the counts of items in collections. The counts often don’t track item insertion and removal. I have over 2,000 bookmarks. Might that large number be delaying the count updates? If I quit the app and immediately restart it, I find that the counts have been updated. All this makes me long for a global command (action) to sync the app.
Rustem Mussabekov
Elsa Bardout
Rustem Mussabekov: Hi, I see the same behaviour as well. I think it's when there are multiple tags on a link it doesn't appear in the search list?
I'm seeing the same behavior after importing a large number of bookmarks. For example, a tag showing it has 3 bookmarks actually has 21.