Global default view for all collections and folders
Markus Krause
It would be nice if it was possible to set a global default view for all collections and folders, e.g. "Headings, with icon and title" as in the screenshot, instead of having to set it for each folder individually.
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Thanks for this new feature. It is well over due.
Rustem Mussabekov
Now you can set default view
Make sure that this setting will be used for new collections.
Click "Update all" after you change default view mode to apply this change to existing collections.
Rustem Mussabekov
Merged in a post:
All View change
As you have it set to have all folders to be in alphabetical order, I suggest having a global bookmark view setting (i.e. cards). It gets old changing each folder manually. Thanks.
Rustem Mussabekov
Merged in a post:
Change the view to multiple collections
At the moment there's no option to select multiple collections and change the view. I've got more than 100 collections and I have to change one by one which is highly impractical. Please add this feature, I think it is something simple but very useful.
Rustem Mussabekov
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Mood-board layout auto/by default
Matt Joyce
The ability to set mood-board as the default layout. Not sure if this is possible, I emailed you guys about it but haven't heard back
Rustem Mussabekov
Merged in a post:
Moodboard default layout
Matt Joyce
Is there a way to set the moodboard layout by default so when you create a collection it's automatically in that layout?
Rustem Mussabekov
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card/list views
would be nice to have the option to set any of the views applied to all folders/subfolders, instead of having to set it manually for each
I've imported over 100 folders. All of them are set to List view, but I want them as Card view and need to go set Card view for each
Rustem Mussabekov
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Use card view as default
Adam Lithner
Hi, thx for a great app! Would it be possible to provide an option to use card view for all collections instead of changing each manually? : )
Rustem Mussabekov
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Default view mode 🙏🏽
Rich Lovelock
Please, please, please could we have a default view mode. I always change the view on every new collection to 'Cards'. It would be great if we could set this view as a default preference for new collection.
vip axis
I also have the same request. Please set default or provide option to set default view to Headlines. Thank you!
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