Collection description/note
Robert Williams
I believe it would be fantastic to add the ability to set descriptions for collections themselves. The description could be positioned directly underneath the collection search bar when a collection is selected.
This would allow the more ambigous collection names to describe themselves, rendering it especially useful if the collection is shared with others.
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Always nice to come here to post an idea... and see it's already on the Planned Roadmap.
Less nice to see it's been on the Roadmap for 4 and half years.
Rustem Mussabekov
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Add Links To The Collection Folders
Arlo Recchia
Rustem Mussabekov
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collection/Group description; Icons to Groups; Collapse sites in collection.
- Can you add option to write description for collection/Group?
- Put Icon on Group
- also can be good option text Bold Group-name
- Collapse sites when you enter to collection - in result see only folders
Rustem Mussabekov
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collection descriptions
Gerrit Scholle
Allow a short description for each collection, also seen in Shared Collections.
Use cases: describing what goes into a collection and what doesn't; description about usage for Shared collections
Rustem Mussabekov
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Collection notes/ intro
Now there are only two properties of Collection: name and icon.
It would be nice to add a little header space for typing a personal note/ introduction to the collection, so I can add details on the purpose/ key points of the collection beyond its name.
I guess this would not add a lot of clutter to the UX, and would be easy to implement since now markdown-enabled Note/ Comment feature is being added for bookmarks. Please kindly consider adding this. It would be very helpful.
The screenshot is how this intro/header area (in red rectangle) is similarly introduced in Things 3, for your reference.
Thank you.
Canny AI
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Add descriptions in collections
Francesco Galli
Simply a feature to add a description in a collection, and display it in the folder would be very useful.
Rustem Mussabekov
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Notepad in collections
Inge Turelinckx
I would love to be able to integrate a notepad into collections.
This way, I could add information about a project, which would add a lot of extra perspective to Raindrop
Canny AI
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Add descriptions/note to collections
Stefan Berg
I'm working a lot with collections for bigger/important systems etc. I would LOVE to be able to write a very simple note/text for every collection. The note should show up at the top below the collection name and there should be "no limit" in text length.
An alternative to this might be:
Today you can add URLs and FILES to collections, perhaps a third type of TEXT, just a simple note. Very much like adding a URL item today with a note but remove the requirement of a URL. This new TEXT-type should have a very recognizable icon so that you clearly see it is a TEXT and no link.
Today you need to add a URL and give it some dummy URL to be able to save it and also upload some "information" icon coz you can't select an icon from a list for URL entries.
Michael Hemp
When I share a collection, there is already field for adding a description to be displayed at the public page.
We should have the opportunity to use the general collection description also for the public page appearance or to define a separate one for sharing.
+1 on that, it would be really great to write down some notes on a specific topics related with many bookmarks
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