Bookmark statistics
Ian Dessers
I've got another suggestion for raindrop that might be worth the effort to implement.
Some people (like me) keep a lot of bookmarks, lots of them.
In the end, some of these bookmarks tend to be useless or not being used a lot, thus filling up a lot of resources, space, and making the bookmark collection more chaotic.
To find out manually which bookmarks are useful or are consulted frequently would ask quite a lot of time and effort from people, which they most of the time don't have.
Wouldn't it be worth considering adding some kind of statistics feature, to show how frequently a bookmark was searched for or opened, or what the last time was when you opened this bookmark?
This way, we can easily see which bookmarks seem to be useless after a while, and easier clean these up and create some order and structure in our bookmarks again.
Many thanks for taking the time to read this and listen to feedback from your customers.
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Rustem Mussabekov
Merged in a post:
Provide Consumption Analytics for new "Unsorted" items
Cade Trudo
I want to be able to see very high level analytics on my consumption such as how many new additions to raindrop I am making a week vs me interacting with them (this could be defaulted to # of interacted with/ # of new additions.
Even in one calculation, this would be helpful in seeing the rate that you are adding to your raindrop but not actually interacting with via tagging, foldering, etc. Maybe it should be seen more in regards to your unsorted box.
Rustem Mussabekov
Merged in a post:
graphical view mode
number of articles saved, number of sites read monthly, annually, average reading. reference:
Tidder JailZwei
Great idea
Yes! I have 7.8K+ bookmarks across many folders and sub-folders. Would be really useful to have a tree map/chart with # and % of bookmarks.
Ian Dessers
Rustem Mussabekov
Do you have any news when we can see this feature implemented perhaps?
Thanks in advance!
Kind regards
Ian Dessers: I never thought of this feature, but it's exactly what I need! Housekeeping bookmarks is a real pain, but it needs to be done regularly for two reasons: 1) Get rid of the deadwood; 2) Rediscover extremely useful bookmarks you saved and promptly forgot about. Seldom-visited but useful bookmarks probably indicate the need for revising the collection structure they're in, and likely their tags as well. I would definitely use this feature regularly!
Ian Dessers
laura20: It really is, I managed to get from 900 to 600 bookmarks, but that's still way too much. With this function, I wouldn't overlook bookmarks and be able to easily clean them up in a bulk operation. Also, as your stating, it would be quite convenient to find good bookmarks that need to be recategorized and reviewed on tags. I definitely would love this feature!
Steven Plotkin
There is currently a sort by newest to oldest; maybe there could be sort by last opened. Even better would be to record number of times visited and sort by that number, highest to lowest.
Btw Ian, off-topic-- I also have lots of bookmarks--over 5000. The indentation view in raindrop is not ideal for me, so I've requested a multicolumn view as a feature, like in the Finder. I'm curious how you managed to view your items? (sorry if this is a derail)
Ian Dessers
Steven Plotkin: Hi Steven, My apologies for the delay in my response.
I definitely agree with your statement regarding an option to sort, based on the number of times you've opened a bookmark, or something similar.
Could you clarify a bit what you mean with your feature request for a multicolumn view as in the Finder? I don't completely get what you mean with that part.
Currently, it is quite chaotic for me to manage my items after I've exceeded ± 200 bookmarks already, let be 1000 or more.
This is actually why I initially dropped this feature request, to be able to remove all my (after a specific time) useless bookmarks, so that I'm able to have a clearer overview again of them.
At this time, I attempt to optimize my bookmarks by micromanagement in categories and tags, as the Finder function isn't always working as smoothly as it is supposed to be.
This way (until now), I was still able to quite practical access my correct bookmarks when I needed them, but the ideal scenario, in my opinion, would be to not exceed a specific number of bookmarks.
This is where the filtering comes in place, to easily see what bookmarks can eventually be removed.
Steven Plotkin
Ian Dessers: Sorry Ian I just discovered your post in buried in my email
I am not a big fan of the indentation format in the left the column of the desktop app (though I am learning to work with it). I took a sample screenshot below. I would like it if instead there was an option to make it look like Apple's multicolumn Finder presentation , also attaching a screenshot below. I like the multicolumn option for migrating to folders within folders.
Ian Dessers
Steven Plotkin: The layout isn't really the problem for me. However, I think your idea can be interesting as well. The issue with this I think, is that it will fill up a lot of space on your screen, if you have multiple folders nested (which I do). For example, image this view with 5 to 6 nested folders... it will get long right?
For me, the most important thing is that they improve the way to clean up useless or inactive bookmarks. I tend to easily bookmark something that looks useful to me, only to notice after a while, I bookmarked something that I haven't used for over months.
If they can help me with that, I'd be already really happy
I really love this app and if they'll add this feature I will love it even more, it would make it easier for me to see what bookmarks are not being used so I can delete them
I really love this feature, I hope they will add it to the software.
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