Keep reading / watchin position
It would be great for Raindrop to keep the reading position, as when returning to the article we could continue reading and highlighting from that position on.
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This is a essential UX. Can't believe that it doesn't have more votes.
lilja_sajin right? seems like table stakes for a reading application
Rustem Mussabekov
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Reading progress
Andrés J.
In each bookmark, there would be a button to select if the bookmark is for example: 'Not read', 'In-depth read needed', 'Discarded' or 'Read'.
Rustem Mussabekov
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Consumption Progress
When adding a bookmark to that contains media of a certain length, such as a video that is 5 minutes in length, Raindrop should capture how much of that media you've consumed and how much is remaining. I rarely finish all of my media in one sitting so I'd like to pick up where I left off.
Rustem Mussabekov
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Read from where you left off
Akhilesh Yeluru
Part of the reason I bookmark things is that they are long articles that I can't read in one setting. It would be nice if my location in the article was saved and automatically jumped to when I open that bookmark on any platform.
Rustem Mussabekov
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Video minute / Scroll position bookmark page
Miguel Alcalde
It would be great if you could keep track of where you left off while reading/watching a given bookmark.
I use Raindrop more and more to keep a reading list. Some are vids, some are articles, but I find it hard to pick up where I left off sometimes.
Sure this could have an automation of some sort.
Canny AI
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Save place/progress in article view
Geoff Bolen
I'd like to be able to go back to an article that I had been interrupted from and be brought automatically to the place that I had last reached in it. Instead I currently have to scroll all the way down manually and guess where I left off.
Canny AI
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Save reading position in books and articles
I like to read long form articles and epub books in raindrop. It would be great to remember the position I was at when I close it so I can pick back up again, especially useful for pub reading. Not sure if this is possible technically with the way it handles pub files,
Anthony Hiley-Mann
+1 - along side showing reading progress in the list view as a percentage, would be ideal. I'm often starting an article, then wanting to pick it up a little later and fail to find where i left off quickly.
Aaron Oldenburg
Yes! I did a web search for this specifically when considering whether to switch over to I guess I'll wait.
Nic Mulvaney
This would be a huge benefit for long articles I return to later in the day. Having to scroll and remember your position, is an annoyance.
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