I often put key words in capital letters in the note field of a saved Raindrop.io item. This makes it much easier to find back - visually - a number of related items in a long list of saved articles. I see this as a more powerful way to put structure in articles - because folders are too rigid (you can't store an item in two different folders) while tags are too limited - although I tried it, by connecting the words via underscores. For instance, just as an example: a tag "#TRUMP'S_INAUGURATION_SPEECH" has better visibility in a series of articles than having "TRUMP'S INAUGURATION SPEECH" in the note-field. But this generates a lot of tags that are just used 3 or 4 times, or even less. (Not to mention that such tags are not particularly very readable, nor do they use a more flashy HIGHLIGHT). So could at least tags then get a highlight option - for those who want to exploit them for greater visibility? Raindrop.io is, after all, a classification system, so high visibility of things like tags would already mean added value! Even better would be, of course, if we could choose different highlight colours (either per note, or per tag - or perhaps both). But I would already be very happy with just 1 highlight colour for notes (or tags). And I suppose I'm not the only one who likes to make as much use of visual elements as possible.