Here's a message you can send to requesting Rabbit Hole integration: Subject: Feature Request: Rabbit Hole Integration Dear Team, I'm writing to request a new integration for your platform: Rabbit Hole ( ). Rabbit Hole is the secure cloud hub associated with the Rabbit R1 device by Rabbit Technologies. It acts as a central repository for all your interactions with the R1, including past questions asked, searches performed, images captured, and services used. I believe integrating Rabbit Hole with would be a valuable addition for users of both platforms. It would allow us to: * Centralize all our information: Seamlessly save and manage data from the Rabbit R1 alongside our existing collections. * Enhanced search capabilities: Search for information across both platforms with ease. * Improved workflow: Simplify information management by having all relevant data in one place. I'm a big fan of both and the Rabbit R1, and I believe this integration would greatly enhance the user experience. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this feature request. Sincerely, Firas I hope this helps!