Korean translation improvement - a few suggestions
Betty Park
When clicking the add button, there is an "Add to unsorted" button to finalize the addition. This "Add to unsorted" button is currently translated as "추가에게 미분류" in Korean, which is wrong. It should be translated into "미분류에 추가" or "미분류 폴더(folder)에 추가". (I really hope you fix this because it's the main feature of the website.)
Also when clicking the three dots next to the folders or collections on the side bar, "Open all bookmarks" pops up. This is currently translated as "열기 모든 북마크" which is also wrong. It should be translated into "모든 북마크 열기".
Hope this helps!
Betty Park
I found the same translation issue in other adding buttons for different collections. All "Add to (collection name)" button should be translated into "(collection name)에 추가".