Highlights disappear after changing tabs or scrolling page
Daniel Eberini
I make highlights on a page or article, I go to my note tab to take notes, when I return to the article tab, the highlights disappear, the only way see them again is to reload the tab, or to make a new highlight but it's clunky and inefficient, hope this bug can be fixed soon.
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Rustem Mussabekov
Fixed in 5.6.67
Make sure to update extension
Go to
and click UpdateRustem Mussabekov
in progress
Sorry about that. Update with a fix is on the way, will be available in next few hours
Rustem Mussabekov thank you so much, I rely a lot on the app 😆
Truly, highlighting sections in an ai chat is the biggest power-up anyone can do, essential for my dev ❤️ .
highlights no longer working at all for me now
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Highlight a Frequently Don't Save
I'll be reading an article and making highlights and when I leave and come back they are gone except for the first one. I've had to instead start paying close attention to the number of highlights in the icon if it doesn't move I have to leave the article and then come back at which point the highlights save. Paid/full version, multiple updates and still no fix.
Ole Larsen
I have the same problem today. Some times they reappear, but sometimes they don't, even if I make new highlights on that page (they do not show up on the extention either). Right now I witnessed a hightlight disappear right before my eyes.