Still nothing ? It's 2025 goddamnit
Would appreciate this for one of my use cases.
I bookmark a lot of instagram posts with places I want to visit. I'd like to create a hierarcy of places:
I thought I could do this with Collections but then I lose all the power of the tag. If there's a video with Top 10 Places to Scuba Dive. It's could contain 10 different countries. Which Collection does this go it?
I think for organisation as well, it would help to keep the tags themselves grouped.
Yes please
Jane Rushed
We already love tags, they allow us to organize items into all the potential contexts, or however tags are used
Nested tags would allow us to organize this organization system better, into context hierarchy, or however one prefers
This would help with finding relevant items, but also keep a neat looking sidebar
Bear, the notes app, is an example of this method: https://bear.app/faq/nested-tags/
Timothy DuBay
Also in favor of hierarchical tags. Many use cases, for instance: subtags for "#media/video," "#media/audio," etc. that could all be surfaced just by searching "#media."
Pictured is the tag pane from bookmark software Anybox, as an example. Hierarchical tags is one of the few advantages Anybox currently has over Raindrop.io.
Timothy DuBay Two others that offer it are Goodlinks (Mac app like Anybox) and GGather which is a web app. Goodlinks has a browser built in, which is an advantage over Anybox. GGather is the best of all of them, but sadly it's obvious they simply won't upgrade their infrastructure to be reliable, and I doubt they'll be around in a few years, otherwise it is better than Raindrop.
Hamish McGregor
This would be super useful. Def upvote this
i need it to extend it to my Obsidian exports, which makes good use of tags in their GraphView. surprised its not here yet.
Robert Andrews
I want this. I am hitting some errors today with a workaround of “Parent/Tag” (ie when the tag name contains a slash).
AR Test
Definite need. You can even do the lazy way which is the 1Password way where they are just edited by slashes rather than with a whole menu system.
Andrew Young
good idea
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