Lifetime license
Danny Thys
There are many people, like me, who prefer not to be on a monthly / annual subscription, but pay once for life. So a kind of lifetime license for pro versions.
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I'm in if the LTD is coming.
I like anybox pricing model!
Rustem Mussabekov
vicasso do not expect $39.99 lifetime pricing
Rustem Mussabekov Absolutely not! You may know your expenses better.
Agree and ready to day for one time license. Free user now
Up! I’d not even hesitate to buy it! Looking forward to have a lifetime plan!
Rustem Mussabekov
Rustem Mussabekov
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In app purchases, other than the subscription.
I am using the free version. I have something against subscriptions. And in this case there are just 2 or 3 things I would use from the subscription features, so I am not even considering it.
But why not make some features as a one time purchase? Like nested collections? Or permanent library?
Rustem Mussabekov
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One-time payment
A one-time payment option for Pro features would be great. I personally hate having bunch of services billing monthly/yearly. I would gladly double the yearly amount to have permanent access the the Pro features.
Rustem Mussabekov
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pay for pro just once
Denis Sherstennikov
I just don't like subscription-payment. I'd pay 20$ for nested collections and dropbox backup if it was a once and for all payment.
Rustem Mussabekov
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Masuk Islam
One time fee for lifetime licence
Rustem Mussabekov
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Perpetual License
Matthew Seigler
A perpetual license, such as a $100 one time payment would be nice. I like to support software whenever possible, however unless it's a perpetual license I tend to shy away from doing so, and with that being over 3+ years worth of payments upfront I would certainly go ahead and commit to that.
Rustem Mussabekov
I'm not sure about lifetime plan. Every time I see such option in a product I through they want to get a quick money. Lifetime plan doesn't guarantee anything... actually it can be an opposite.
Current subscription model guarantee that Raindrop will be alive as long as users use it every day.
I do not need quick money. I don't need quick growth.
So unfortunately lifetime plan is not be available anytime soon.
Virgile Arlaud
Rustem Mussabekov: all i want is neasted collection 32€ per year is a bit pricy just for this feature :(
Rustem Mussabekov: Yes you are probably correct. A very fair and logical attitude. You make prefect sense if the yearly fee is relatively low, and you can keep/have a wide user base.
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Rustem Mussabekov: Sensical.
Avis Incandensca
Rustem Mussabekov: In the long term it requires users to pay more. A slow leeching rather than a one-off payment. I also fail to see how a lifetime plan does not guarantee anything - at the least, it guarantees usage for the lifetime of the app.
byron maxwell
Rustem Mussabekov: But we don't want money draining out our bank accounts every month
Virgile Arlaud: Nested collections are free now
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