Lifetime license
Danny Thys
There are many people, like me, who prefer not to be on a monthly / annual subscription, but pay once for life. So a kind of lifetime license for pro versions.
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Up! I’d not even hesitate to buy it! Looking forward to have a lifetime plan!
Rustem Mussabekov
Rustem Mussabekov
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In app purchases, other than the subscription.
I am using the free version. I have something against subscriptions. And in this case there are just 2 or 3 things I would use from the subscription features, so I am not even considering it.
But why not make some features as a one time purchase? Like nested collections? Or permanent library?
Rustem Mussabekov
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One-time payment
A one-time payment option for Pro features would be great. I personally hate having bunch of services billing monthly/yearly. I would gladly double the yearly amount to have permanent access the the Pro features.
Rustem Mussabekov
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pay for pro just once
Denis Sherstennikov
I just don't like subscription-payment. I'd pay 20$ for nested collections and dropbox backup if it was a once and for all payment.
Rustem Mussabekov
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Masuk Islam
One time fee for lifetime licence
Rustem Mussabekov
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Perpetual License
Matthew Seigler
A perpetual license, such as a $100 one time payment would be nice. I like to support software whenever possible, however unless it's a perpetual license I tend to shy away from doing so, and with that being over 3+ years worth of payments upfront I would certainly go ahead and commit to that.
Rustem Mussabekov
I'm not sure about lifetime plan. Every time I see such option in a product I through they want to get a quick money. Lifetime plan doesn't guarantee anything... actually it can be an opposite.
Current subscription model guarantee that Raindrop will be alive as long as users use it every day.
I do not need quick money. I don't need quick growth.
So unfortunately lifetime plan is not be available anytime soon.
Virgile Arlaud
Rustem Mussabekov: all i want is neasted collection 32€ per year is a bit pricy just for this feature :(
Rustem Mussabekov: Yes you are probably correct. A very fair and logical attitude. You make prefect sense if the yearly fee is relatively low, and you can keep/have a wide user base.
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Rustem Mussabekov: Sensical.
Avis Incandensca
Rustem Mussabekov: In the long term it requires users to pay more. A slow leeching rather than a one-off payment. I also fail to see how a lifetime plan does not guarantee anything - at the least, it guarantees usage for the lifetime of the app.
byron maxwell
Rustem Mussabekov: But we don't want money draining out our bank accounts every month
Virgile Arlaud: Nested collections are free now
Hossam Mohamed
omg yesssss
Nishant Singh
You can have a separate premium life time license, which doesn’t include recurring cost such permanent library or 10gb of upload , but it only includes nested collections, duplicate finder , features which don’t have a recurring cost
Sunny Jackson
Nishant Singh: permanent library is the reason I keep premium in the first place. Getting rid of the features is not the answer.
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