More advanced search
Claudi Bran
- Wildcard search
- Boolean search
- Option to search only in URL, Title, Content (article)
- Live search results
- Results from nested folders
- Live search
- Jump to collection
- Fuzzy matching
after searching for a word, the displayed bookmarks (title, content, etc) appear different from the original (in result text the rest from the keyword and on is stripped down)
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Lorien Vecellio
Why was this marked as Complete? Boolean search is not currently implemented for tags, eg the following search: (#movie OR #movies) AND #family
This yields zero results, even though #movie #family yields plenty of results!
Rustem Mussabekov
Good news, almost all wanted search features now implemented, including:
- Find exact phrase
- Exclude conditions (Boolean search)
- Match any condition (OR)
- Search by date
- Option to search only in URL, Title/Description (without full-text search)
- Find items that have (or not) a permanent copy
- Live search results
- Results from nested folders
- Jump to collection
- Recent searches
Search speed is significantly improved as well, up to 5x times!
Also big improvement: Now it's possible to search by any part of a word.
For example you have a bookmark with title
(notice no space between words), now it's possible to find it by just note
Learn more here
No need to remember each and every operator, our smart search suggestions will show them for you right in the app.
Wildcard probably will be available next month or so, need to test how this will impact performance.
Fuzzy matching probably will NOT be available anytime soon. Usually this makes a lot of false-positives.
New search is available in Web app only yet. In next few days you will receive an update for all extensions.
Mobile app will be updated later.
Please create separate post for any missing search features you want to have.
Rustem Mussabekov
New items will appear in search index with longer delay. Sorry about that. Will be fixed in next few hours.
Full-text search also have very long delays for few days already. Will be fixed in next few days. Sorry guys, but final result will pleasantly surprise you!
Rustem Mussabekov: Amazing job! thank you so much
Rustem Mussabekov: Holy crap this is awesome!!! Thank you so much
Rustem Mussabekov: is there any way to use "OR" only for a part of the query? For example: I would like to search for "#learning #git (#article OR #tutorial)", but with the current implementation I can only use "match:OR" which would make ALL the tags optional. In result I get dozens of resources which are not related to #git, but they are included because they have e.g. the #learning tag.
Rustem Mussabekov: Need the possibility to use logic operators this way:
(#math OR #physics) AND #lecture
. I try this with follow syntax: (#math #physics) match:OR #lecture
and other various ways, but I couldn't get the results I wanted. At the moment works: #math_lecture #physics_lecture match:OR
but in this case I need to change tags and duplicate the universal entity "lecture", adding it to each tag instead of having tag #lecture
A Gerro
I really need in a "not" operator, like it works in evernote
And search by URL, like any browser's bookmarks do
Also, I believe that this is to big and looks like huge epic, so it's better to split it into small subtasks.
Axel Kirch
Why not go full RegEx?
This is in "planned" status since 2018? Jesus - not sure if I want to upgrade to PRO :-) Wildcard and booloean seems essential to me... especially for a paid app.
Stef: Yeah. This is my one big current disappointment and am perplexed why this must somehow be difficult as the author is very dedicated to constant improvements
wouldnt say stripped results vs actual content is a bug. rather, a review-friendly feature. EG search:dog, want to see where/how [dog] appears in content. if it was an article/description primarily about mammals/animals, [dog] wouldnt be in the first sentence so.. mostly for relevance checking when not in relevence sorting mode.
there used to be regex search but then it was quietly removed (afaik). this with filter tag cloud selection has created some interface bloat, especially with smaller screens/windows.
* non hideable cloud, without removing last space character in query.
* content smart tags EG image/video, not placed first/top of cloud.
* favourites, as a smarttag not autocomplete-able as other types (image/video/article etc) are.
* sometimes sidebar reappears in newtabs but can drag to rehide. unlike under-searchbar bloat..
alternately, what looks like search-engine similar (EG google) search features does sound great. namely
* quote to group/exact search EG ("a fish"), currently already utilised with space-included tags.
* prefix operators for EG (+cat|-dog) or (-#dog) results. IE
- and/quote(")
- include(+)
- exclude(-)
- or(|)
regex-like wildcards (random characters) EG (\d pup
?s) could be (1 pup), (5 puppies), (2 pups) etc. IE- many (*)
- optional (?)
- numbers (\d)
* onelook-like wildcards EG (dog?) could be (dog ) or (dogs) or (dogx) etc. IE
- unknown many (*)
- unknown one (?)
* else, suggestion to toggle search syntax (operators vs regex etc) via checkboxes or default settings/options is also great.
related (?) search bugs:
* hash (#) character within tagname.
* slash (\) character within tagname, refresh/back browser will auto erase query.
* percent (%) character within query. either as bookmark title/partial, auto undoes/rewrites query..
the unification of terms into single text entry is promising for exclusive (or) / inclusive (and) searches but
* url partials EG (.com or /123) cannot combine/search with description/titles, unlike theorised
* possesive/apostrophe forms EG (cat's) not included in (hardcoded?) fuzzy search
* somewhat order sensitive EG tags (partials without hash(#)) before titles and once (aka fixed now unfortunately), apostrophed-terms without apostrophe, return results only if, it is the last term.
* clicking inline tags consecutively appends to query, IE (#tag1 #tag2 #tag1) instead of removing, as it did before with autocomplete.
* sidebar resets scroll position if search is cleared..
fuzzy-search itself, as a default, is too broad. some of these comparable with inclusive/exclusive suggestion/s. EG
* plurals vs singular EG (cats vs cat)
* different articles EG (the vs a),
* may return false results with smaller/abstract words/terms EG acronyms. particular troublesome/confusing in non-relevant sorting.
related minor annoyance/s :
* non persistent setting for sort preference IE always returns to relevance. there was a time where an update (?) had it stick for a while, but then it was removed (?) again.
* favving heart moved to center, and not showing where you click (far right) once you move mouse away, as it did before.
* video/audio/image content types still overlapping sometimes
* videos autoplaying..
* videos/audio now stop playing when switching to edit view..
related (?) longtime want/s :
* search by date. still mourning the loss of grouping and promised (?) group collapsing.
* sort tags in sidebar, by last used. easier than blind scrolling a-z etc. frequency sort is great for browsing.. not so much for editing. mourning loss of fullscreen
* alternating shades of inline tags for easier/quicker reading. would be particularly helpful with long tagnames with multiple spaces/special characters..
* inline folder clicks to clone search to folder.
* linkify inline domain/date (like folders/tags) to further smart-filter/search results
* next/prev hotkeys/buttons for quick image browsing
* doubleclick dropdown selection [edit,preview,web] to default [click on bookmark] setting.
* untagged as special inclusive/inclusive for tag density IE number of tags worn by a bookmark. potential visible in
untagged smarttag (notag:1) already?
>>> as a customer
>>> i would like to search in parent public collections and receive results from all public nested collections in there
>>> because i dont want to perform my search once again .. for every shared collection in the parent one
hope you will cover that
thanks in advance
Rustem Mussabekov
Rustem Mussabekov
Merged in a post:
Ability to search tags with logical operators and priority levels
When looking for a bookmark, I'd like to specify that the match falls within a set of allowed tags, like #Work OR #Banking.
Ideally I'd like to be able to do both OR and AND, like: (NOT #Personal) AND (#Work OR #Banking).
(Not the best of examples, since sometimes tags are implicitly added by the user in such a way that's intentionally orthogonal. But I believe useful in its own right - could be #Travel or #Plans...).
The other thing to consider here (tangentially related) is that of a small parameter to go with a tag. At least it seems to make sense for me for a "Priority" tag. Like "#Priority(0)" vs "#Priority(2)".
Then I can search for all bookmarks that have been tagged with a given priority level or higher. I cite the example of priority level here but perhaps others may find a use to add a property to a tag for other reasons.
Rustem Mussabekov
Merged in a post:
Negative search
Patrick Honorez
Allow using "-" (minus) to search items NOT containing a word or tag. E.g: "#python -#system" to search for my links tagged #python but excluded those tagged #system
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