Random bookmark
Pick randomly a bookmark in a collection (or in all your raindrop) and display it to your favourite browser, a bit like https://medium.com/@romanpapush/how-to-get-a-random-pocket-article-64a04d93d787
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Rustem Mussabekov
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Resurfacing Content
Ritesh Kr. Panda
A system of some kind to resurface bookmarks for example Random 5 bookmarks daily to review like Readwise or Suggestions of similar bookmark of similar tag or content
Rustem Mussabekov
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Make randomizable playlists able to be made from your links.
Landon Fandom
Rustem Mussabekov
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Random Capture Inbox
We capture many links every day. In a month, you can easily have more than 500 new captures. Over time everything stays there without any use, using storage space without any use. This happens because we like to capture and after a week the novelty is another. If Raindrop showed us a home page where we can see random screenshots from all the time, we could see what we've captured, be inspired to look for new themes, think about what we have saved and above all practice screenshot hygiene where we could be aware that a lot of what we capture is garbage or no longer useful and must be removed from our Raindrop.
Canny AI
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Open random raindrop in browser for new tab
Chris Craft
Update browser extension to allow when new tab is opened in browser that it will be a random bookmark.
It would be AWESOME!
Canny AI
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Sorting: random
I often use raindrop to save articles, clips and interesting things for later. When i have some time i consume the links, but sorting them by new makes older ones never touched. I would like random sorting as an option.
Rustem Mussabekov
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Sort by random order
Carlos Victor Macedo
I have about 900 bookmarks and would be great to be exposed to some of the bookmars that do not make to the top of the others types of sorting.
Rustem Mussabekov
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Shuffle button
Justin Reina
Can we have the ability to select a random article for review? A means to randomly select the next article, abstractly choosing something with a scroll and intentionally random(ish) swipe is awkward, can we have a shuffle button?
Canny AI
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Bookmark of the day (Home Screen)
Alae Hatoum
I sometimes add a bookmark and then forget about it. It is great for most cases but sometimes I want to be reminded of that URL so I can visit it or use the webservice so it would be great if there can be a Home screen or something that shows a random bookmark from my favorites bookmarks. Just as a way to remind me of stuff that I have
Dea Delia
This would certainly make it easier to resurface old bookmarks without needing to scroll through everything. It serves as some sort of a serendipity feature. It can also be nice for mood boards to have a refreshed look.
This would be such a welcome addition. After having used Raindrop for bookmarking for several years, I find I have a very small number of links that I regularly return to. Broken link detection is nice for keeping a collection tidy, but the in-between case is that there are thousands of links that are collecting dust. A system of resurfacing links I've forgotten and haven't visited in a while can go far in helping to determine if a link is still needed.
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