Shortcut key for safari button
Michael Lee
keep pressing the button on sari extension is quite tiresome. hope there is a shortcut key like cmd+b to save webpages quickly.
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Rustem Mussabekov
Please upgrade to latest version.
We made the new extension optimized for Safari 14.
You will have the best possible experience. This is the same extension as we have for Chrome, Firefox and other browsers.
Here available shortcuts:
Open extension
Open Raindrop website
Create new bookmark
DI Shrager
Rustem Mussabekov: ⌘⇧S No longer works in Safari since it seems to now be a "built-in" key combination to save a page in webarchive format, or the like! Please help!
Rustem Mussabekov
DI Shrager: Tried in Safari 15.1 and 15.4. In both versions shortcut is working. What version do you have?
DI Shrager
Rustem Mussabekov: I apologize. I fixed it. (Don’t know how!)
Rustem Mussabekov
under review
Rustem Mussabekov
Unfortunately this isn't possible, Apple not gives this ability
Rustem Mussabekov: 1Password allows this, I assume that it's because they have a separate background process though?
Rustem Mussabekov
Jon: Probably, I will dive deeper to find solution